MALE MENOPAUSE OR ANDROPAUSE Male menopause or Andropause is usually caused by a gradual decrease in the male hormone testosterone. The symptoms of andropause may include irritability, weight gain, decreased libido or sex drive, decreased body hair, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement, decreased muscle mass, depression, decreased semen volume, decreased intensity of orgasm, decreased bone density, sleep disorders, joint aches, hot flashes, memory loss, night sweats and high cholesterol.
The most common cause of low testosterone in a man is the gradual decrease in production of testosterone by the testicles. Some medications can lower a man's testosterone level, as can some aspects of his diet.
Having low testosterone is like going through puberty in reverse. But instead of being a horny teenager who is usually getting great erections and growing hair everywhere, you are tired, moody, overweight and not getting terrific erections.
There remains some controversy over whether a man should have his low testosterone treated. However, there is a growing body of evidence that finds that it might be beneficial to raise a man's testosterone levels into the middle of the therapeutic range. The benefits might include increased libido, stronger bones, higher energy level, healthier skin and hair, decreased body fat and increased lean muscle mass, better sleep patterns, improved mental attitude, improved orgasms and ejaculations and better erections.
Testosterone replacement therapy must be done under the supervision of an experienced physician. Some of the possible side effects of testosterone replacement therapy include BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia, increased growth of dormant prostate cancer, male pattern baldness, testicular atrophy, acne, high blood pressure, lipid abnormalities and steroid rage.
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