These may be obvious to some, but they are extremely important.  Many men are not aware that these things can cause erectile dysfunction.  For example, in Europe they put warnings on the side a cigarette pack that smoking causes erection problems.  But not in the U.S.


Not Smoking - smoking cigarettes may cause heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, erectile dysfunction, oral cancer, bad breath, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer.  Smoking may cause the need for the amputation of toes, feet and legs as well as fingers and hands.  Smoking is expensive, iy may be harmful to those around you and decreases your productivity at work.  Smokers are sick more often than non-smokers. Not smoking is not easy, but might be the most important health decision you can make. 

Obesity - Excessive body fat is unhealthy and may have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality.  Eating less is very difficult, because eating is enjoyable.  People love to eat.  The problem is that many people live to eat instead of eating to live.  An easy way to try to lose weight and keep it off is to eat a little less and exercise more.

Regular Exercise - Exercising is just as important as not eating too much.  Frequent aerobic exercise keeps your muscles strong, your blood vessels flexible and unclogged, your heart healthy and is terrific for your state of mind.  Men who exercise are often happier, stronger, better lovers, more productive at work. 

Alcohol Consumption - Many studies have shown that the moderate consumption of alcohol is healthy for a man's cardiovascular system and heart.  * Moderate consumption means 1-2 drinks about 5 times a week.  Moderate alcohol consumption is thought to raise your HDL or good cholesterol level.  More than 2 drinks a day however, may be too much.  And too much alcohol may be worse than no alcohol at all.  Excessive alcohol consumption may cause cirrhosis of the liver, neurological problems, obesity, nutritional disorders, decreased productivity and marital problems.  Alcoholics Anonymous or AA is an excellent resource for men who wish to get a drinking problem under control.

Illegal Drug Use - The use of illegal drugs has been rising in the United States for many years.  Cocaine, narcotics and amphetamines may all cause erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular damage, heart attacks and strokes.  Men who use these drugs on a regular basis have a higher rate of premature death from vascular disease, violent crime and accidents. 

Unsafe Sexual Activity - While most men understand the risks of high risk unprotected sex, many do not act appropriately.  Most men get HIV or AIDS from having unprotected sex with other men, but they can also get it from a woman.  Let's not forget about syphilis, gonorrhea, chylimidia and herpes.  Safe sex is very simple - use a condom.  A condom is not perfect, but it is pretty close.  It would also be a good idea to avoid high risk sex in the first place.  Many men have themselves and their partner checked for STD's before engaging in sexual activity.  Better safe than sorry.

*  While we will certainly try to help all of our patients, as with any medical treatment, there is no guarantee of specific results, as results can and usually do vary from patient to patient. All numbers and time frames mentioned are approximate and may vary from patient to patient.






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