These help some men last longer before they ejaculate by reducing the sensitivity of the penis.
Topical anesthetic creams, such as EMLA cream, and desensitizing condoms are among the safest methods used to treat premature ejaculation.
EMLA cream contains lidocaine and prilocaine, which are both local anesthetics. Desensitizing condoms often contain lower amounts of these anesthetic agents.
Some men are sensitive to or allergic to these agents and develop allergic or hypersensitivity reactions.
A small amount, about the size of a pea should be placed on the tip and shaft of the penis and rubbed in to thoroughly cover the entire tip and shaft of the penis. Any excess cream should then be wiped off. * It takes about 10 minutes to have its peak effect and intercourse should be timed accordingly.
EMLA cream is sometimes so effective that a man can not feel his penis; not a good thing for a man. It may also cause a numbing in the vagina or anus or loss of a oral gag reflex in the man's partner; also not a good thing. However, many men and their partners get some benefit from EMLA.
It is important that this medicine be used sparingly. Too much lidocaine or prilocaine can cause an irregular heart rhythm or arrhythmia. This is extremely unlikely to occur with the recommended dose of the size of a pea.
EMLA is not FDA approved for use for premature ejaculation and thus constitutes a legal, but off-label use of this medication.
* While we
will certainly try to help all of our patients, as with
any medical treatment, there is no guarantee of specific results, as
results can and usually do vary from patient to patient. All numbers and time frames mentioned are approximate and may vary from patient to patient.
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